Tüm PwP SeRVeR PaTCHLeRi BuRDaa!!..
  Knıght Online Bot V-6

Thanks Gokhan And Kec

Rapidshare Download : 1000 hp 200 Ac Super Archer

English ::

Hi All Members

please Read the instructions Before Downloading

The Functions :
1: Attacking And Timed Skills Working Very Will 100%
2:Auto Potion Works Perfect 100%
3:All Hacks
4:Hide Mode (new)(U Will Be in Hide Mode(Hide Skill)all the time)
5:Auto Loot (Loot All & Loot Coins & Loot Selected Item(New))
6:Auto party (Party Bug)
7:GM Check Works Now Very Perfect 100%
8:EXP Information (Per Hour 7 The Time To lvl Up (hours : Min ))
9: Run To Mob Working 100%
10:Mana Save Working 100%
11:Added option For Mob Hp (like Town & Stopattack & Hide)
12:priest option (will buff & heal You party)
13:Auto Chat
14:TS With Gems
15:Auto Potion Fixed (Now Put Ur Potion Number in ur skill bar )
16:Added Packet Mode (New Attack Mode With Packets May Be Not Working Well Need Fix But Try)
17:Added Auto Move if Charcter Dead(just Go to ur place And then click record And Click Auto Move)
18:Auto Loot Working Well Now
19:Nation Change
20:R Attack Bug
21:Party Bug (Click Auto party & When u invited to party u will auto accept But Click Confirm Again u will get the all items and all noahs For you only tongue.gif )
22:R Attack Fixed

V4 (1728)
23:Repair (will repair your weapon left Right When Durability is below 1000)
24:All skills With names now and No Arrow no Mp And CS Spammable (Arrow shower working now & Multiply shot working)
26: priest Heal Buff AC(May Work & May not Not tested yet tongue.gif )
27:%0 Np & 5 EXP & 150 HP Hacks
28:Added Button to kick selected party member
29:No DC But No Auto Loot (Added button named start hooking Thats to start recording and Loot Will DC You)
30:Added Close PC When ur Charcter is dead biggrin.gif
31: Labels to show the Mob Hp Persent & Location & Distance
32: Added New protection Mode (By Mob ID) Now 10 text Boxes Write in it your Are mob's ID
How :: Selct mob manually and write the id in the text Box (Dont forgot Ur all Area Mob ID's )
33:New protection By Party if u kicked from party The bot will stop Attack
34: Warrior Range tongue.gif In Moving Group Box Click Record in the hunting area that u will hunt in it Then Next
Just record your area cordinates and then click stop recording Dont forgot to click stop recording) Then Click start ranging
35:Added Swift freeze Freeze your Speed in Swift
36:Added Mage Loot
37:Added run to chest Mode (458F) tongue.gif
38: Auto party Working Now
39:Supports Meele Attacks (Warrior Attacks tongue.gif )
40:Added Tray Button And Menu (Click Tray Menu Button) to change bot to Icon in task bar Then click right click u will see menu to show ( start packet & Stop packet & start DirectInput &Stop DirectInput)
41: Now u can update the hack by your self (Just get the new pointers and put it in configs.ini


Auto Move fixed
Gm Fixed
Chat Fixed (U Can Write now with spaces )
All Skills Fixed (No More Counter Strike Failed)
Added Combo Boxes For Archer Only No More Recording
Added 2 dlls for protection (Dont Delete The 2 Dlls The Hack Will not work)
Added Combo Boxes For Timed Skill ( Wolf & Lupin & Evade & Safety)
Added Mob ID label to Mob Id Protection Mode To make it easy to get the mob ids

Super Archer
1000HP 200 AC

Better Gm Check

The Instructions :
1:Copy the DI.Dll To Ko Folder And You HD Bot Folder And WindowsSystem32
2:Must Install Net Frame Work 3.5
3:For Using Attack Mode & Timed Skill Mode(Just Put Ur Skill Number Example U want to use arc shot and it in num 1 in ur skill bar So put number 1 in the but thats for timed skills too)
4:For Auto Potion just write the number of your hp in your skill bar say u put it in number 8 skill just Write 8 &&&& put your min value)
5:Attack Mode By Packets its easy and all know it (just Record)(May be not working perfect)

Turkish ::

Selam tüm oyuncular

indirmeden önce açıklamaları okuyunuz.

Fonksiyonları :
1: Zamanlı skiller ve atack %100 çalışıyor
2:Oto pot %100 çalışıyor
3: Tüm hileler
4: Hide mode. Bununla sürekli gorunmez olabilirsiniz
5: Oto kutu
6: Oto party
7: GM savar %100 çalışıyor
8: EXP Bilgisi
9: Yaratığa koş %100 çalışıyor
10:Mana Save %100 çalışıyor
11:Added option For Mob Hp (örneğin Town & attack durdur & görünmez ol)
12:Priest ayarları
13:Chat sistemi
14:Gem ile 90 dk ts basma
15:Oto pot sorunu düzeltildi
16:Paketle atack yapma (bu deeme aşamasında her zaman çalışmayabilir)
17:Char ölürse hareket et (gitmek istedigin yeri kaydetmelisin)
18:Oto kutu
19:Nation Change
20:R Attack Bug
21:Party Bug
22:R Attack Fixed

V4 (1728)
23:Repair (durability 1000 in altına düşerse repair yapar)
24: Tüm skillerde ok mana gitmez (Arrow shower working now & Multiply shot working)
26: priest Heal Buff AC
27:%50 Np & 50 EXP & +150 HP Hacks
28:Seçilen party üyesini atma
29:DC olmak istemiyorsanız oto kutu açmayın (Added button named start hooking Thats to start recording and Loot Will DC You)
30:Char ölürse bilgisayarı kapa.
31: Mob Hp Persent & Location & Distance bilgileri
32: Mobidleri ekleyerek id ye atack yapabilirsiniz
33:Partyden atılırsanız atack durur
34: Warrior atak sınırlama
35:Hız dondurma
36:Mage toplama
37:Kutuya koş eklendi
38: Oto party calısıyor
39:Warrior assas atack
40: Hack in Saatin yanına küçülmesi sağlandı
41: Config.ini dosyasından pointerları deiştirerek botu kullanabilirsiniz.


Oto move düzeltildi
Gm Check düzeltildi
Chat düzeltildi (bosluk yazabilrisiniz )
Skiller düzeltidi (CS failed düzeltildi)
Okçular için açılan kutu konuldu
exeyi korumak için 2 dll eklendi (bu dllleri silerseniz çalışmaz)
Zamanlı skiller için açılan kutu konuldu
Mobidleri almak kolaylaştırıldı

Daha ii bi gm savar

1:DI.Dll yi Konun kurulu oldugu klasöre, Bu programın klasörüne ve WindowsSystem32 in altına kopyalayın
2: Net Frame 3.5 yüklü olmalı
3:For Using Attack Mode & Timed Skill Mode(Just Put Ur Skill Number Example U want to use arc shot and it in num 1 in ur skill bar So put number 1 in the but thats for timed skills too)
4:For Auto Potion just write the number of your hp in your skill bar say u put it in number 8 skill just Write 8 &&&& put your min value)
5:Paketle atack modu gayet kolay sadece mobları kayıt etmeniz gerkli.

HErkesin bu botu seveceğinden eminim. İyi oyunlar..

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